Friday, December 14, 2007

The Political Circle

While most of our attention is focused on the up coming presidential campaign, it has become second nature to most Texans to loss interest in its states senate races. Where it has become, even for incumbents, a costly battle that requires upwards to 2 million dollars to win their district. Campaigns have become increasingly more expensive in the past years even for seats in the House of Representatives. What does this mean for the average voter, a lot more then one would expect. The question of where the money comes from is now becoming just as important as where the represenitive stands on particular issues. ` And the need for politicians to attract big time donors is becoming more important and with their money comes their influence on those they fund.

It seems to be a win lose scenario, while the increased price of gasoline, airtime on TV and other expenses has grown in recent years, and there has also been a change in the political climate of Texas as a whole. Areas that where once strongly republican are making shifts toward the democrats and vise versa with democrat controlled districts, is creating more swing districts then ever before. Victory is no longer assured to some incumbents or even members of a particular party. Which can be a good thing, requiring those that win a particular seat to focus on the need of those that his/ or her office serves in order to increase their chance for reelection when their term has expired.

However this mad scramble for funds in which to wage their political war has to come from somewhere? While some politicians may be independently wealthy enough to use their own money to help finance their campaigns most are not that lucky, and most rely on donations to help flip the bill. Conversely, these donations come with a price, and those that make them can have a big influence on how a representative may vote.

There are to certainties in all politics these days. First, it cost money, and second is that that money come with a cost. “Texas needs fewer politicians and more leaders”

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